The new course addresses laws pertaining to both in-person and electronic harassment, victim impacts, the intersection of harassing behavior with more serious stalking, EPO violation and bias/hate crime laws, the role that technology can play in harassment, and resources and steps perpetrators can use to take accountability for their actions.
The course was developed by Dr. Amy Hasinoff, Professor of Communication at the University of Colorado Denver. She has been researching and writing about sexting and revenge porn for more than 10 years. Her 2015 book, Sexting Panic, is about the well-intentioned but problematic responses to sexting in mass media, law, and education, and was the winner of the 2016 National Communication Association Diamond Anniversary Book Award. Dr. Hasinoff has been interviewed in over 100 media outlets including CNN, CBS, and Forbes, and has given TEDx talks in Denver and Vienna.
This course is now available for use by all Advent eLearning clients. If you’re interested in using this course in your organization, please contact your Advent sales representative or send us an email at info@adventfs.com.